Red fleshed apple breeding PFR 2023
"By analyzing DNA from apple seedlings, they can predict many apple characteristics (including red flesh) long before the seedlings produce fruit, so they can decide which seedlings are worth growing and which can be discarded. Also they can Isolate and splice in the desired gene MYB10 in order to produce more red colored flesh. This transgenic process results in a GMO.
DNA markers can be used to determine whether a seedling carries an allele of interest. Here, the marker for the red-flesh allele is detected as an additional DNA band on an agarose gel. Breeders use information like this to decide which seedlings to grow and which to discard.
Geneticists at PFR (Plant and Food Research) in New Zealand have discovered why some apples have red flesh. They found that flesh color is controlled by a gene called MYB10, which is expressed in higher amounts in red-fleshed apples than in white-fleshed apples.
Understanding this type of genetic information often helps to improve breeding. This process enables scientists to discover more about individual plant traits. However, it is confined to the lab – apple breeding in New Zealand does not use transgenic techniques.
Transcription factors are proteins that control gene expression. They bind to short DNA sequences close to a gene and switch the gene’s expression on or off. a transcription factor controls apple flesh color, because all the genes involved in producing anthocyanins are more highly expressed in red apple flesh than in white flesh. the same transcription factor turns all the genes on at the same time.
Its also been worked out why the MYB10 protein is expressed so strongly in red apple flesh. The MYB10 switches on its own expression by binding to part of the promoter of the gene that encodes it. When looking at the promoter in red-fleshed apples, you see that it has a mutation: the short DNA sequence that bound the MYB10 protein was duplicated 5 times.
The effect of the duplication was that much more MYB10 bound to the promoter in red-fleshed apples and so the protein was expressed at a much higher level. This means much more anthocyanin is made – and the apple flesh is red."
The apple genome was broken down in 2010 and the GMO people have been working to put GMO apples on the store shelves ever since. The non browning sliced or diced apples have been available for a few years now. There was no fanfare when this first GMO apple came to the US market. It was just quietly placed on the shelves and in our childrens foods without any anouncment or approval. The ability to build a perfect GMO red fleshed apple was next.... now its here.
The consumer should beware! You will be seeing red fleshed varieties with all kinds of characteristics coming to the market. All in the rush to put red into your favorite eating apple. There will be big health claims of course. How all the extra anthocyanins are helping you live longer. But what they will NEVER tell you is whether or not they are GMO!?
The US government agencies charged with protecting us don’t consider GMOs to be a health risk. They don’t even require the foods made with them to be labeled as such. In this country its totally Let The Buyer Beware! The reasons for the complete unfettered introduction of GMOs into our country is just the same old story of greed. Its not the lack of risk associated with GMO, its the usual rich fat cats wanting to get richer and they don’t give a damn about the consequences to their fellow human beings.
The concerned consumer has to be aware of what they are buying. Now, apples are no longer safe from the clutches of the greedy GMO breeders.
A good bet is.... if you see it in the super market.... dont buy it!!!